Our Milestones: Key Achievements

Prokhas’ initial role after its establishment in 2006 under Minister of Finance, Incorporated (MoF, Inc.) was to continue the recovery efforts on the residual assets of Pengurusan Danaharta Nasional Berhad (Danaharta) after its successful completion in 2005. Determined to achieve greater heights, we have strived to maintain an agile and open organisation while ensuring that the mandate entrusted upon us is carried out in good faith.

Over the years, we have boldly explored new ventures and successfully broadened our scope and services into various industries especially in managing the companies namely Syarikat Jaminan Pembiayaan Perniagaan Berhad, Syarikat Jaminan Kredit Perumahan Berhad and DanaInfra Nasional Berhad and providing advisory and consultancy services in order to better align with current and future business conditions. In Our Milestones, we share with you the progress of our journey towards our goal on achieving long-term sustainability and continuous corporate growth.

  • Established and operationalised companies under Government initiatives including Syarikat Jaminan Pembiayaan Perniagaan Berhad, Syarikat Jaminan Kredit Perumahan Berhad and DanaInfra Nasional Berhad.
  • Manages Syarikat Jaminan Pembiayaan Perniagaan Berhad (SJPP), which is a subsidiary of Ministry of Finance Incorporated formed in 2009 to administer and manage government guarantee schemes to enable small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and mid-size companies (MSCs) to obtain greater access to financing facilities from financial institutions. From an initial 2 schemes limit totalling RM10.0 billion, SJPP currently manages 10 active schemes with a total available scheme limit of RM10.6 billion as at 30 November 2024 in partnership with 41 participating financial institutions and financiers across Malaysia, including the ones under various initiatives such as the Government from 2020 onwards with the key objectives of providing support to SMEs and MSCs in obtaining working capital and/or capital expenditure facilities for their business growth and market expansion, as well as assisting the SMEs during the challenging period of the COVID-19 pandemic. The government guarantee schemes set up to meet the former objectives which are still open for applications are:
    • Working Capital Guarantee Scheme
    • Working Capital Guarantee Scheme – Bumiputera
    • Working Capital Guarantee Scheme – Women
    • Working Capital Guarantee Scheme – Export
    • Working Capital Guarantee Scheme – Start Up
    • Automation and Digital Guarantee Scheme
    To facilitate business continuity and recovery of the MSCs, SMEs and micro enterprises during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Government introduced the following government guarantee schemes under Pakej Rangsangan Ekonomi Prihatin Rakyat (PRIHATIN), Pelan Jana Semula Ekonomi Negara (PENJANA), Pakej Bantuan Perlindungan Ekonomi Dan Rakyat Malaysia (PERMAI), Pakej Perlindungan Rakyat dan Pemulihan Ekonomi (PEMULIH), Malaysia MADANI and Bank Negara Malaysia funded schemes under which are managed by SJPP :
    • Government Guarantee Scheme Prihatin (application period closed)
    • Special Relief Facility Scheme (application period closed)
    • Automation and Digitalisation Facility Scheme (fully utilised)
    • Agrofood Facility Scheme (fully utilised)
    • PENJANA Tourism Financing Facility Scheme
    • Targeted Relief and Recovery Facility Scheme (application period closed)
    • Bus and Taxi Hire Purchase Rehabilitation Scheme
    • PEMULIH Government Guarantee Scheme (application period closed)
    • Government Guarantee Scheme MADANI
    • Government Guarantee Scheme MADANI 2
    The Government had announced additional allocation of up to RM20 billion to SJPP during the Belanjawan 2025 with special focus on Bumiputera, Halal, High Technology/ESG and Tourism industries.
    In addition, SJPP had previously managed the government allocation for the provision of two per centum (2%) rebate on interest / profit rates charged on export-oriented SMEs under its schemes and also managed the RM50 billion Danajamin Prihatin Guarantee Scheme (DPGS), targeted to assist mid-sized to large corporates to continue thriving in the new normal.
  • Manages the operations of Syarikat Jaminan Kredit Perumahan Berhad (SJKP), which in turn manages and administers guarantees to the participating financial institutions which extend house financing to eligible fixed and non-fixed income earners. The maximum financing for each application including MRTT/MRTA, LTHOT, Valuation Fees and Legal Fees is RM500,000. SJKP also manages the RM5 billion allocation by the Government via Budget 2023 announcement to guarantee those with and without steady income to purchase their first house. The Government had also announced enhancement to the SJKP scheme through a guarantee of up to 120% of the house value for houses up to RM300,000 under Housing Credit Guarantee Scheme – Madani with additional allocation of RM5 billion. This was announced at the Majlis Peluncuran Memperkasa Ekonomi Madani on 27 July 2023. Subsequently through the announcement of Belanjawan 2025 on 18 October 2024, the Government had allocated additional guarantee of RM10 billion to SJKP and introduction of new scheme under Housing Credit Guarantee Scheme – Step Up to assist first time home buyers by offering lower monthly instalments for the first 5 years. In addition, Waqf Land Home Financing will be included in SJKP schemes to encourage the development of residential properties on waqf lands with property up to RM500,000.
  • Manages DanaInfra Nasional Berhad (DINB) in its fundraising exercise to finance the construction of the Klang Valley Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) Project – Kajang Line (previously known as Sg Buloh – Kajang Line or MRT Line 1), Putrajaya Line (previously known as Sg Buloh – Serdang – Putrajaya Line or MRT Line 2) and Circle Line MRT3 (land acquisition cost only) pursuant to Financial Advisory and Management Agreement (FAMA) dated 29 March 2013 and Supplemental Agreement to FAMA dated 1 April 2015 and 10 April 2023. DINB’s current Government Guarantee Financing Programme constitutes RM82.2 billion Islamic Commercial Papers and Islamic Medium Term Notes Programme (“ICP/IMTN Programme”) with RM2.0 billion Islamic Syndicated Revolving Credit Facility. To date, DINB has issued twenty nine (29) series of issuance amounting to RM77.0 billion IMTN (including Retail Sukuk of up to RM500.0 million) and ICP of up to RM7.02 billion, with competitive rates. DINB was awarded the Best Project Finance Deal of The Year 2012, the Best Islamic Finance Deal of The Year 2013 & the Best Bond Deal of The Year 2013 for Retail Investors in Southeast Asia by Alpha Southeast Asia. DINB was also the recipient of the Best Local Currency Sukuk Award in the Asset Triple A Islamic Finance Award 2013 and the Malaysia Deal of The Year 2013 Award by the Islamic Finance News, the Best Government-Guaranteed Sukuk in the Asset Asian Awards 2017 and the Top Traded Amount (All & Islamic) in the Bond Pricing Agency Malaysia Bond Market Awards for the year 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023. DINB Sukuk Pricing rates competitiveness as against the Government Guaranteed peers has also been validated by an independent audit conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisory Sdn Bhd in its report dated 19 September 2017.
  • Appointed to manage DINB in its fundraising exercise to part-finance the construction of Pan Borneo Highway Sarawak (Phase 1) on 27 April 2016. The funding is undertaken via the Government Guaranteed RM13.0 billion Islamic Commercial Papers and Islamic Medium Term Notes Programme (ICP/IMTN Programme) with a backstop RM4.0 billion Islamic Revolving Credit Facility. In May 2023, the Financing Programme was further upsized to RM15.8 billion ICP/IMTN Programme with RM2.0 billion Islamic Syndicated Revolving Credit Facility. To date, DINB has issued seven (7) series of IMTN issuance of up to RM13.78 billion and ICP issuance of up to RM4.0 billion under the RM15.8 billion ICP/IMTN Programme at competitive rates. For the inaugural IMTN issuance of up to RM2.5 billion in 2018, DINB was awarded the Best Transport Deal of the Year under the Country Deal Awards ASEAN Category in The Asset Triple A Asia Infrastructure Awards 2019 and the Best Islamic Project Finance Deal of the Year for Malaysia in The Asset Triple A Islamic Finance Awards 2019.
  • Appointed to manage DINB in its fundraising exercise to part-finance the construction of Light Rail Transit Line 3 (LRT 3) on 10 April 2023. The funding is undertaken via the Government Guaranteed RM7.6 billion Islamic Commercial Papers and Islamic Medium Term Notes Programme (ICP/IMTN Programme) with a backstop RM1.0 billion Islamic Revolving Credit Facility. To date, DINB has issued five (5) series of IMTN of up to RM6.1 billion and two (2) series of ICP of up to RM2.0 billion under the RM7.6 billion ICP/IMTN Programme at competitive rates.
  • Appointed to assist Lembaga Pembiayaan Perumahan Sektor Awam (LPPSA) in structuring financing programmes comprising the Islamic Commercial Papers and Islamic Medium Term Notes Programme (ICP/IMTN Programme), Conventional Commercial Papers and Conventional Medium Term Notes Programme (CP/MTN Programme), Syndicated Revolving Credit-i Facility and Syndicated Credit Facilities for an aggregate combined limit of up to RM25.0 billion with Government Guarantee on 21 June 2016. Under the financing programmes, Prokhas assisted LPPSA in its maiden ICP/IMTN issuance of up to RM4.0 billion on 21 September 2016 and RM2.44 billion drawndown from the RC-i Facility and Credit Facilities, at competitive rates.
  • Appointed to manage SDE Solutions Sdn Bhd (SDES) in its 2-tier Term Loan Financing of up to RM150.0 million on 26 February 2014.
  • Appointed as a Consultant to Pembinaan BLT Sdn Bhd for Aman Sukuk Berhad’s RM10.0 billion AAA Sukuk Programme.
  • Continue to undertake the management of Danaharta’s residual assets. As at 30 November 2024, Prokhas has collected approximately RM4.32 billion and has surpassed the original target of RM2.88 billion.
  • Assisted in ABRAR’s recovery efforts until 31 December 2012. In total, out of approximately RM2.1 billion outstanding from the borrowers of ABRAR, RM1.6 billion has been settled. ABRAR has fully repaid its loans to Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) amounting to RM1.5 billion.
  • Appointed to provide Credit and Loan Management Advisory Services to a division in the Ministry of Finance for a period of 5 years from January 2014 until December 2018.
  • Provides consultancy services to the Ministry of Finance for various engagements spanning from project management, corporate exercise, strategic planning, business reviews and governance related matters across different industries since 2008.
  • Obtained ISO/IEC 20000-1:2011 for IT service management system for IT shared services from 2010 until end of 2019.